Jan 9, 2005


 今天在DAILY NEWS上看到一个名为"Child-Free by Choice"的读者来信,与本人观点惊人相似。放在这里,可以和我前面一篇BLOG(题为“我的自私”)遥相呼应。
   I am 50 years old and never had the slightest desire to have children. My aunt once told me that I was selfish not to provide my mother with grandchildren. Here's what I consider selfish:
  1. People who have children they can't afford and expect the rest of us to pay for them.
   2. Women who have children while married to, or involved with, men who abuse them. These men are highly likely to abuse the children, too.
  3. People who keep have children in hopes of saving a failing relationship.
  4. People who keep having children because they are trying for a particular sex.
   5. Alcoholics and drug addicts who continue to drink and do drugs while pregnant, knowing the effects it could have on the child.